Sunday 11 June 2017

Tips to Eat Healthy at Work

The best way to eat well at work is to bring home-cooked food but if you don't have time to make food at home or you find home cooked food boring, here are some tips to eat healthy at your work place.

Healthy Food
Include well balanced nutritious food with the right proportions of food items that are rich in proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and a small quantity of fats. You can bring salads that have plenty of veggies, with a variety of sauces, and dressings. Go for foods that are lower in calories.

Takeaway Food
Most office canteens offer healthy food. But if you want to try new stuff takeaway places are the best option. You can order for grilled stuff like sandwiches or a burger with lots of greens. Go for grilled or boiled food items instead of the fried stuff and remember to go easy on the cheese.

Healthy Snacks
You might find the snacks at your work place tempting but if you're hungry you can opt for healthier options like sprouts, milk shakes, fresh fruit juices, etc. Get together with your colleagues and bring your own snacks from home.

Set Rules
Set some rules around where you work and eat. Make a pact with yourself that you will eat healthy at all times by limiting the amount of food. Go for small proportions and always eat your food in a plate to keep a check on the quantity of food you are consuming.

Eat healthy and make your office space a fun place to work.

Tips to Eat Healthy at Work

The best way to eat well at work is to bring home-cooked food but if you don't have time to make food at home or you find home cooked f...